The Best Of What

the Dordogne has to offer

Eating and Drinking

We consciously bring what’s outside our doors, inside; drawing on the story of our local area to inspire every aspect of your experience.

We're delighted to work with local organic and biodynamic producers who are passionate about their food and drink.

Each partner has a unique and interesting story and if you'd like to learn more, why not plan a visit and experience first-hand their story.

Click here to download our favourite places.

Allons y !

Local activities

To help you fully experience this incredible region, we've created some walking and cycling maps, including the Chemin de Compostelle route which goes right past our front door. Or how about kayaking on the Dordogne River?

​We've also recommended a few of our favourite restaurants and of course a foodie trip wouldn't be complete without a visit to the Sainte-Foy-la-Grande Food Market on Saturday morning or the Night Market every Thursday evening throughout the summer.

Click here to download our favourite places.

Bon appétit !